Symbiotic Relationship: Parasitism
What is it?
Parasitism is two organism have a relationship but its a no no no good relationship. One of them is just there and he happens to get into the relationship and it hurts them and they lose stuff from it. Then the other one is just chillin enjoying his relationship because he's getting stuff out of it.
Example- A little cute doggy is walking along in the park and a tick gets on him. The tick is going to enjoy this relationship because he gets food and nourishment from sucking the dogs blood. While the little doggy is going to hate the relationship because it hurts him and he losses blood from it. Long story short the tick gets all the goodies and the doggy gets hurt and losses his goodies ;-;sad face
Reflection: I enjoyed this topic for the soul reason it was really easy and mostly review, all we have to know is what they mean and then put it into correlations with a relationship to tell which one it is. Its really cool to see the relationships between animals you would never think could be friends. For instance alligators and little birdies.
How do you get rid of ticks from dogs without going to the vet?